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Going on Mission

Ultimately, we understand that a direct result of our walk with Christ is a compulsion to tell others about him. We are to go and make disciples. Though it may take on many unique forms in the unique lives of individual believers, the command and privilege is the same. Apex hopes to encourage and equip disciples as they go.

Following the Lord’s leading, individuals are called to go on mission in countless contexts and people groups. Each unique mission brings unique challenges and approaches, but God has equipped the church with everything we need to fulfill His call for us. Within Apex, we break up missions preparation into four main areas. We break them into these four main areas in order to provide each uniquely gifted leadership, appropriate resources, and targeted preparation of workers. These four areas of Apex missions describe the basic categories of people with which we hope to serve and witness:

  1. Reached Peoples in the U.S.: Much of the U.S. falls into this category. It is ministry and outreach within the U.S. among people groups within which there exists a growing, reproducing church movement able to evangelize its own people without outside help.
  2. Unreached Peoples in the U.S.: Heavily international urban areas or international students are examples. By definition, it is ministry and outreach within the U.S. among groups within which there is no indigenous community of believing Christians with adequate numbers and resources to evangelize their own people without outside assistance. Christian witness is considered unacceptable and is generally unavailable.
  3. International reached peoples: Mexico and Namibia, Africa fall into this category. It is ministry outside of the U.S. among people groups within which there exists a growing, reproducing church movement able to evangelize its own people without outside help.
  4. International unreached peoples: India and much of the Middle East are examples. By definition, it is ministry and outreach outside of the U.S. among groups within which there is no indigenous community of believing Christians with adequate numbers and resources to evangelize their own people without outside assistance. Christian witness is considered unacceptable and is generally unavailable.

To learn more about how you can get involved in missions work in any of these areas, feel free to contact our going team. We also encourage you to keep your eyes and ears open in our gatherings where we share stories and ministry opportunities on a regular basis with which you can get involved!

And, as always, so much of our mission and calling in the Christian life is the everyday. As individual disciples, as “Quads,” and as house churches we encourage both spontaneous and prayerfully planned missional work! Get involved in a house church to serve alongside others in that small setting, or with the other house churches in the region, as they carry out the Lord’s leading.

Next: Apex’s family ministries.