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Entity: Refuge Hill Church Ohio


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Archive Datetime: 2010-03-04T08:08:50


Growing in Christ

Apex is all about growing as disciples, becoming more like Christ. Although you can definitely grow in large gatherings of celebration, we’ve really seen disciples grow in smaller, more specific settings. We believe that being and making disciples takes investment of time, intentionality, and truly our full lives.

We encourage all of those associated with us to become part of a house church. And more than that, we would encourage you to form relationships in that house church where you can be held (and hold others) accountable in your walk with Christ. We often call those small groups of relationships within a house church “Quads” because they are often 4 people or so.

In addition to the sharpening relationships within your house church, Apex also facilitates open opportunities which seek to come alongside our house churches in discipleship. We regularly hold seminars and workshops designed to either equip you to disciple others… or to navigate some of the tough issues in life as you grow in our walk with Christ.

To learn more about the growth opportunities of our seminars and workshops, we encourage you to attend our weekend gatherings, read our weekend program/bulletin, grab a quarterly calendar, and visit our main website! You can also feel free to contact our growing team to learn more.

Apex also offers some discipleship & biblical counseling facilitated through staff for those in need of more specific counsel. Contact our growing team to make an appointment.

Getting Growing

Are you ready to connect with others and grow as a disciple of Christ? Or maybe that’s a completely new thing for you! No problem. Check out How To Connect, and we’ll help get you plugged in.

Next: Going with Apex.