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Entity: Refuge Hill Church Ohio


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Archive Datetime: 2016-01-23T12:45:59

Whether you are in house church or working solo, we have resources to help you get things done!



Apex Sings is a resource to help our house churches have quality time singing together. You can find lyrics to all of our songs as well as chord charts to play along. It was made to be used on phones & tablets so no more printing! To keep it legal, we have to password protect it. The password is: apex.


House church Resource LIBRARY

Designed for use by our Apex house church shepherds, the Growing Resource Library is your go-to for commentaries, books, curriculum and resources. The Growing Resource Library is open during gatherings as well as normal business hours. Questions about accessing materials, making suggestions, or using the library beyond typical hours? Email

Peruse our selection

Growing Classes

Apex Growing is delighted to announce four trainings to equip and sustain our house churches. Designed for our shepherds, but open to all, the Growing Classes cover Biblical theology, spiritual formation, and studying and teaching God’s word.

Learn more about classes


God made the world and gave us skills, abilities and gifts to use for Him and others in it. We have created a booklet that offers opportunities to serve throughout the life and ministry of the church at Apex: where we’re gathering together to celebrate God, growing together in Jesus through authentic community and going together into the world. You’ll find what the opportunity is, where it takes place and who to contact. It has been tailored to you.

VIEW serving booklet

Care Ministry

The Apex Care Ministry desires to come alongside hurting people and people dealing with life issues. We accomplish this through our Christ-centered ministry where a competent and quality team of caregivers meet with people while God heals and restores their lives. We also desire to help people become more pleasing to God in their everyday life.



Apex can only reimburse expenses that have occurred within the past 30 days. Email the completed form to Greg Zastrow at [](

Download form


There is a lot that happens within the wall of Apex every night of the week. We love opening our doors to help support HC needs we simply ask you make sure you reserve space ahead of time. Reserving space at Apex is based on a first-come, first serve basis.

Reserve a room