Note: This is an archived version of the page from related to Refuge Hill Church Ohio.

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Entity: Refuge Hill Church Ohio


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Archive Datetime: 2012-09-01T08:15:09

How To Connect

About Membership

As with most group settings, the concept of “membership” comes up often. To be clear, the focus of Apex is membership in the body of Christ. Therefore, we do not follow a formal local membership process. Anyone who has committed his or her life to Jesus Christ, has been baptized and purposes to follow Him, and is committed to an Apex House Church is considered a member of the Apex Community.

To provide for some necessary legal, administrative, and church discipline purposes, a survey will be taken on a regular basis to account for all current members of house churches within the Apex Network. Membership is required for some administrative purposes such as building reservations, weddings, etc. For more questions on this, contact our administrative team.