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Entity: Refuge Hill Church Ohio


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Archive Datetime: 2009-10-06T01:28:29

YouTube Preview Image How To Connect

Getting Started

The Basics

Our greatest desire is that you would connect with Jesus and what He has done. If you connect with Apex, but you miss Jesus… we have given you very very little. Because of that desire, we encourage you to take part in a class we call The Basics if you are interested in learning more about life with Jesus. Contact our office to learn more about this class!

Apex Orientation

If you would like to learn more about Apex, our vision, where we’ve been, and what we believe, we would love to meet you at our next Apex Orientation. We talk about all things Apex, and we give you a chance to ask your questions and get some answers. Contact our office to learn more about Orientation!

Connect To a House Church

We strongly encourage everyone interested in being part of an Apex house church to attend Apex Orientation. House church is very different than what many of us grew up with! We talk a lot about what you can expect from house church in Apex Orientation.

That said, it’s not a requirement… just a good idea! If you want to get connected with a house church immediately, you can stop by the “Growing Wall” in the Apex building lobby or you can visit this website. In these two places, you can get contact information for a person that lives in the Miami Valley near you which can connect you to a nearby house church.


If you still have questions about getting connected to the Apex network, feel free to talk with the folks on the connecting team.