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Entity: Refuge Hill Church Ohio


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Archive Datetime: 2015-02-06T06:50:52

Kids & Students


Our Goal in Family Ministry is to come alongside families by investing in children’s and student’s spiritual growth and development.

We do this by connecting with families in meaningful ways through events and opportunities to get together, grow as a family, and go ‘on mission’ locally or around the world.

We also recognize spiritual milestones and key life events for families like Parent-Child Dedication, Water Baptism, and Graduation.

We enthusiastically share Biblical truth through age-appropriate ministry that carefully considers the spiritual needs and developmental stages of families, from childhood into the exciting time of change during adolescence.

Just as important as the lessons we teach and the events we host to reinforce biblical truth, is our desire to equip our families to present Christ in their homes. We provide and direct parents toward resources that equip them to obey God’s command to teach Biblical truth and model Biblical behavior before their children. Deuteronomy 6: 4-8, Proverbs 22:6.