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Entity: Refuge Hill Church Ohio


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Archive Datetime: 2018-03-14T13:48:38


Mission, Vision, & Strategy

  • Mission Statement:

Our mission is to make and multiply disciples with the gospel of Jesus Christ through the power of the Spirit.

  • Vision Statement:

We envision God using every Apexer to join His disciple-making movement in reaching the Greater Dayton area and unreached people groups of the world.

  • Strategic Goal:

Our goal is to reach 10% of the Greater Dayton area and 10% of the unreached people groups around the globe in the next 10 years.


Discipleship Pathways

At Apex, we know that there are people at every stage of becoming more like Christ. Some of us are just beginning to follow Him, others are growing to be more like Him, and others are helping lead communities of Jesus followers. No matter where you are on this journey, Discipleship Pathways offers a clear path with resources, training, and experiences that meet you where you are and help you become more like Jesus.


Regional Gathering Planting


Reaching 10% of the people in the greater Dayton area is a huge, God-sized, faith-stretching vision. We’re talking about 120,000 people scattered across more than 7 different counties in over 30 different school districts! In our efforts to reach them, we are asking the Lord to raise up teams of individuals or groups of house churches to launch gatherings all around the Greater Dayton area. We envision these gatherings as a central hub for making and multiplying more and more disciples, who want to make and multiply more and more house churches, and who want to make and multiply more and more gatherings until the entire greater Dayton area is saturated with the gospel of Jesus Christ!

Xenia Mission & Vision Strategy


Unreached People Groups (UPGs)

We will multiply God’s disciples by reaching 10% of the unreached people groups through three areas of focus: Access, Accountability, and Acceleration. The first phase that we will implement is Access. To accomplish this, we intend to provide clear paths for Apexers to form focused teams called Affinity Bloc Teams led by UPG (Unreached People Group) Champions. As Apex is empowered and equipped to reach the nations, we will begin to implement the other phases. Apex is positioned to play a major role in reaching the nations for Christ. If we harness the resources, global network, and people God has given us, there are surely exciting days ahead.