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Entity: Refuge Hill Church Ohio


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Archive Datetime: 2018-05-30T16:05:46

Apex’s Missions Cafe is an example of an individual initiative that serves Apex and others globally.

The Missions Cafe is a space where local and global ministries can gather to fund raise, raise awareness, or recruit volunteers. You can grab some coffee, bread or sometimes a meal for donation. Donations are collected to support different ministries and people worldwide

These donations to the Missions Cafe have a few different functions. Monthly, we support four missionaries serving with Back2Back Ministries. We also support the Suzuki Samuel Hope Campus throughout the year, where we have twenty-three orphans who we care for by providing educational, emotional, physical, social and spiritual needs to the children. We believe the donations from the Missions Cafe should bless kingdom work locally and internationally. 

So come on down to the Missions Cafe and see the different ways God is working and grab a cup of coffee. 

We thank you for your donations!

What’s Cookin’ In The Cafe?

SUGGESTED DONATION OF $5 per person and $15 per family

We’re always cooking up something good in the Missions Cafe! So come on down and get a bite to eat!
All donations go towards supporting our missionaries, mission trips, and mission projects.

Promote your ministry or event in the cafe!

Are you going on a mission trip or wanting to bring awareness to cause dear to your heart? Present in the Missions Cafe! You can start signing up here:

Reserve a spot in the cafe