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Entity: Refuge Hill Church Ohio


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Archive Datetime: 2017-09-25T00:25:49

Operation Christmas Child

We are once again packing boxes with Operation Christmas Child (OCC) this year with a goal of 5,000! 

From now until October 22, house churches throughout our regions will hold their own packing parties. We invite you to join us at Apex Kettering for our Pack the Truck Celebration on October 22 from 1-3pm, which will also be our final collection day.  

Keep an eye out at the Kettering Missions Cafe and the Xenia Campus for OCC shirts to go on sale so you can show your support for Operation Christmas Child! 

If you haven’t been able to pick up a supply card from a gathering press one of the buttons below to download supply lists and important reminders when shopping for OCC. Happy shopping and we hope to see you on October 22nd for our Pack The Truck Celebration! 

Supply Card  

Important Reminders