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Songs from the Gatherings

November 5th, 2009 by phil.wing

The Apex Praise Band has had quite a few people ask if there was a way to get more information about the songs we’re doing in the weekend gatherings.  One way we thought we could help with that is to post the songs from each weekend here on the gathering blog.  We’ll post the title of the song, as well as the song’s writer, and if any information is needed about a certain arrangement, we’ll add that too.

Now, we don’t want to post the songs BEFORE the weekend because, well, that would just be weird if you walked in and already knew what to sing.  :) So, what we’ll try to do is post them here to this site within a few days after each weekend’s gatherings.

So, to kick it off, here are the songs from this past weekend’s gatherings (Oct. 31/Nov. 1):

  1. “One Thing” by Isaac Pittman (the link is to a video that Isaac used to help teach this song to the Apex band)
  2. “It is Well” by Horatio Spafford & Philip Bliss – it’s a classic hymn but we modeled our arrangement off of Coldplay’s “In My Place”.
  3. “Come and Listen” by David Crowder Band
  4. How Deep the Father’s Love” by Stuart Townend
  5. “Only You” by David Crowder Band

So, there you have it.  We hope it’s helpful.  Feel free to email us at if you have any questions about the songs.

The Apex Praise Band Team Leaders

(Joe, Josh, Matt, Isaac, and Phil)

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