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Gathering Opportunities Growing & Going Opportunities Family Ministry Opportunities Week Day Opportunities


As we look at Jesus, we see God serving us (Mark 10:45). When Jesus served on earth, He lived for others (John 17:19). Serving defined the whole of His life (Phil 2:7). We live and flourish by His living, dying, and rising. Jesus calls us to do the same. When we take in Jesus’ love and life, He changes why we serve. We don’t serve out of selfishness, asking, “What can I get out of this?” or “Look at what I’ve done.”

Many of the New Testament letters confront selfishness. Living in authentic community, the first churches were marked by life for “one-another” (Ephesians 5:21; 1 Peter 3:8; Hebrews 3:13). Jesus said it best: “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another” (John 13:34).

At Apex, those authentic communities are called “house churches.” It’s the vital place we live life together, giving our talents, resources, and selves to serve one another. Together, we go into the world to serve our neighbors and the nations.

This page offers opportunities to serve throughout the life and ministry of the church at Apex: where we’re gathering together to celebrate God, growing together in Jesus through authentic community and going together into the world. You’ll find what the opportunity is, where it takes place, and who to contact.

We pray this helps you serve and live out your life as a disciple in the Kingdom.


Gathering Opportunities

Each weekend, we gather together to remember who our God is, how badly we need Him, what He has done to save us, and how we should respond to Him. We believe this is the healthiest thing we can do for those who follow Jesus and for those who do not yet follow Him. At each of these gatherings, both inside and outside of that room, there are many moving parts working together to allow these times to be beneficial. Below is a list of opportunities and ways you can serve to help those moving parts work well.

Baptism Attendants

Baptism attendants come alongside others on the day of baptism. Before the gathering, they meet for prayer, walk those involved through baptism, show where changing rooms are and answer final questions.

When: Baptisms are scheduled throughout the year.




Baptism Conversation

Baptism conversations happen when someone is interested in baptism. It’s an opportunity to serve others by talking through the gospel and how baptism celebrates it. Volunteers are scheduled to meet one on one, to help them be ready for this exciting time. 

When: Meetings occur throughout the year, 1 hr- 1.5 hours long each. 




Communion Volunteer

Communion is not only the act of remembrance of what Jesus has done for us, but also a celebration of His life, death, resurrection, and His glorious return in the future. Would you like to help others in the act of worship through The Lord’s Supper?

When: Serve at least one gathering a month. 





Frontline is a ministry of teams who serve at our weekend gatherings. We welcome others at the doors, offer programs, assist at the Help Desk, help at the crosswalk, and provide safety in the hallways. This all goes toward extending hospitality and a warm gathering environment.

When: Join a Frontline team serve at least one gathering a month.




Money Collection

Money Collectors help collect money during designated times. As Apex seeks to be a good steward of what we’re given, collection is under the supervision of a staff member. Volunteers understand there’s a high level of accountability and liability for collectors.

When: Time commitment is 20 to 30 minutes in a week.




Prayer Team

When people respond during the gatherings, it’s our pleasure to love those people by taking their requests to the Lord in prayer. This is a team of people who are available at the end of gatherings for prayer and conversation.

When: During the gathering(s) you attend.


K: care**


Tech Team: Sound & Recording

Sound teams manage the audio components at Apex gatherings. They make sure what is happening in the gathering is heard clearly. This includes: running the audio mixer, recording the music and sermon, and preparing the stage for the band.

When: Once every month for Thursday night practice and during the gatherings on the weekends.




Tech Team: Visual Media & Lights

Visual teams control lighting and media for the gatherings. This involves computer operated lights and a program that projects text and video. Team members create a welcoming atmosphere by keeping the stage well lit and and slides clearly seen.

When: Once every month for the weekend gatherings.




Xenia: Setup/Tear Down

Volunteers help prepare the gathering space with the floor mat, chairs, stage, etc. Volunteers helping with tear down stay after the gathering to move all the chairs, stage, floor mat into storage spaces. 

When: Scheduled 1-2 hours each Saturday or Sunday.



Growing & Going Opportunities

God grows and sends His church. The place He grows us is in community--living life together and caring for one another. The place He sends us is His world--living out in word and deed the message of the Gospel to both our neighbors and the nations. The following are a variety of opportunities to grow together in community and on mission.

Care Team

The Apex Care Ministry comes alongside hurting people with Christ-centered care, helping them move toward a life that glorifies God. As a ministry, we use care resources that put Christ at the center to equip and encourage growth in Jesus Christ. 

When: This team serves Apex year-round. Training occurs on the first Thursday of the month. 


Global Missions

God calls us to love the nations. Apex has a huge heart for unreached people groups and works to help the global church reach the lost. We desire Apexers to be exposed to God’s global heart by experiencing the world. Information about groups, group leaders, types of trips, and fundraising opportunities are available throughout the year. 

When: Throughout the year. 

Contact: or submit a “Get Involved Form”

FILL OUT GET INVOLVED FORM *Any and all individuals volunteering with Global Missions are required to fill out an Apex Background Check Form. Please fill out the form below and turn into the Apex office (5200 Far Hills Ave. Dayton, OH 45429) or email your form to

Apex Background Check

House Church Host

A host church host is a sacrificially loving and welcoming person who enjoys opening their home to create a positive and Christ-centered space where a house church can gather to serve one another and be equipped for the mission of God. 

When: Throughout the year.


House Church Member

House church members join in the community and mission of a local house church where their gifts and passions are used in expanding God’s kingdom work in their own neighborhood. This is perhaps the easiest and best way to serve others, because all it requires is for you to be who you are in Christ. 

When: Throughout the year.


House Church Shepherd

Qualified disciples whose godly character, competency, and gifting set them apart to intentionally serve and equip the body for God’s mission proven through faithful commitment to the life and mission of a local house church. 

When: Throughout the year. 


Local Missions

God calls us to love our neighbors. Missional opportunities are constantly occurring in the Miami Valley and throughout the United States. Apex equips people for local ministry throughout the year and encourages our people to get involved.

When: Throughout the year. 

***Contact:*** or submit a “Get Involved Form”

FILL OUT GET INVOLVED FORM **Any and all individuals volunteering for Local Missions are required to fill out an Apex Background Check Form.*Please fill out the form below and turn in at the Apex office (5200 Far Hills Ave. Dayton, OH 45429) or email your form to

Apex Background Check

Missions Club

Missions club is a monthly meeting for kids K- 5th grade to show them how God can use them in missions. Volunteers help families and their kids with check in, dinner, clean up and sharing from the Bible. It’s a great way for the kids in Apex to see how God uses everyone to serve others through different ministries we partner with.

When: First Friday of every month, 6:30-8pm.


**Any and all individuals volunteering The Missions Club are required to fill out an Apex Background Check Form.*Please fill out the form below and turn in at the Apex office (5200 Far Hills Ave. Dayton, OH 45429) or email your form to

Apex Background Check

Kettering: Missions Cafe

The Missions Cafe offers bagels and coffee during gatherings free of charge. Donations help with efforts in Mexico and India to end generational poverty, as well as bicycles in Vietnam. Volunteers help prepare, oversee and breakdown the cafe.

When: 9am Sunday.


**Any and all individuals volunteering The Missions Cafe are required to fill out an Apex Background Check Form.*Please fill out the form below and turn in at the Apex office (5200 Far Hills Ave. Dayton, OH 45429) or email your form to

Apex Background Check


Family Ministry Opportunities

The primary focus of Family Ministry is to equip families for discipleship. They do this by ministering to children and students during the gatherings, at youth group, and at special events, as well as offering resources and opportunities for families to grow together.

*Any and all individuals volunteering for Family Ministry are required to fill out an Apex Background Check Form. Please fill out the appropriate form below and turn in at the Apex office (5200 Far Hills Ave. Dayton, OH 45429) or email

Volunteer Background Check (Under 18)

Volunteer Background Check (Over 18)

Infant - 3 Years Old

Family Ministry serves kids at Apex ages infant - 3 years old. These volunteers are part of introducing our little ones to God and helping them grow in Him.


K: Volunteers serve during the 6pm Saturday, 9am Sunday and 11am Sunday. Volunteers serve weekly or on a rotation. 

X: 10am Gathering.




4, 5 & K

Family Ministries serve kids at Apex ages 4, 5, and Kindergarten. These volunteers help kids know what God is like and how to be like Jesus. 


K: Volunteers serve during the 6pm Saturday, 9am Sunday and 11am Sunday. Volunteers serve weekly or on a rotation. 

X: 10am Gathering.





Kidlife is where Family Ministry serves kids at Apex in 1st grade-5th grade. These volunteers help kids know who Jesus is, to be a good friend and how to make wise choices.


K: Volunteers serve during the 6pm Saturday, 9am Sunday and 11am Sunday. Volunteers serve weekly or on a rotation. 

X: 10am Gathering.




Middle School Student Ministry: Small Group Leader

Small groups are the cornerstone of our Student Ministry. Small group leaders help shape spiritual and social bonds to connect students.


K: Sunday at 9am Gathering, planned activities, and connecting with students on a regular basis. 

X: Sunday at 10am Gathering, planned activities, and connecting with students on a regular basis. 




High School Student Ministry: Small Group Leader

Small groups are the cornerstone of our Student Ministry. Small group leaders help shape spiritual and social bonds to connect students. This extends beyond Sunday evenings: events, group outings and frequent communication establish trust between students and leaders. 


Weekly Sunday evening gatherings, planned activities and connect with students on a regular basis. 




Kettering: Family Ministry Gatekeepers/Check-In

Gatekeepers are a key part of Family Ministry’s weekend gathering ministry. Their role is best described by Romans 12:13 “Contribute to the needs of the saints and seek to show hospitality.” Volunteers serve Apex by helping provide a warm welcome, directions to the right area or person, and support FM’s teachers and volunteers.

When: During gatherings.



Week Day Opportunities

There is a lot of behind the scenes work here during the week. We have a variety of places in the life of Apex staff that help make sure we’re serving and supporting our gatherings, house churches, and those on mission in the Greater Dayton area and to the nations. The following are opportunities that help us accomplish this.

Administrative Team

The Administrative Team serves Apex to make sure our policies are always up to date, safe and accountable by law. This is a team whose love for the church is expressed by helping make specific decisions that are best for Apex and in good standing. Serving on the Administrative Team requires a high level of consistency and commitment. 

When: Notified upon approval.


Behind the Scenes Project Help

Apex has bigger projects requiring extra hands. When we do, we welcome others to help. This might include stuffing folders for an event or putting together gifts for Mother’s Day. 

When: Occasional times throughout the year. From 30 minutes to a few hours. 



Throughout the year, there are opportunities to help our admin staff with filing a variety of documents. Keeping our files organized helps them stay easily accessible. This helps keep things running smoothly throughout the year.

When: When available.



Every year at the end of January, we send out Contribution Statements. This is an important task to help serve others getting their finances ready at the beginning of the year. When you help, you’re helping us fill envelopes and ready them for the mail.

When: Few hours at the end of January.


Media Arts

There are always things going on at Apex. From baptisms, events, or radically moving stories. Our job is to communicate these things through video and graphics. We are always needing volunteers to assist in event promotion, element creation, or to hold a fill card for a shoot. 

When: As needed for specific projects.


Kettering: Data Entry

Throughout the year, volunteers help keep our database honest and accurate. Keeping accurate information helps our leadership make decisions that are informed and honest with up-to-date data. 

When: Time commitment varies. 


Kettering: Facilities

The facilities staff keeps everything clean and operational in and around the building. They frequently need help with painting, cleaning, and sometimes need help from people with carpentry, electric or plumbing skills. 

When: As needed for special projects. 


Kettering: IT Team

IT Team volunteers help staff with technology needs and advice. They provide assistance with putting into practice best uses of technology. This helps our staff and other volunteers accomplish tasks effectively. This role requires advanced knowledge and skills in this area. 

When: When available.


Kettering: Money Counting

Money Counters help count our weekly collection. Counting happens with and under the supervision of a staff member. As Apex seeks to be a good steward of what is given, there is a high level of liability and accountability for those who help count. 

When: Mondays, 2-3 hours.


Kettering: Phones/Desk

Helping in the Apex office serves by keeping the weekly activities running smoothly. Volunteers make sure phone calls get directed to the right people and can help with smaller projects in and around the office. 

When: From 9am to 5pm when needed. Often asked when staff member is on vacation or has offsite meetings. 


Xenia: Cleaning Team

Keeping our Xenia space clean is important. It’s part of the behind the scenes to care for the space and serve those attending the gatherings on the weekends. Volunteers help by vacuuming modulars, taking out trash and other general tasks around our facility. 

When: 30-60 minutes once a month. 
