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Entity: Refuge Hill Church Ohio


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Archive Datetime: 2017-10-23T09:28:37

Weekend Schedule Update

With the release of our new Mission and Vision, we are looking for future opportunities to expand regional gatherings.  

We absolutely want to maintain our familial environment that we believe will continue with other regional gatherings. Both the Greenhouse in Miamisburg and our Xenia site are examples of this type of family atmosphere.  

We are now moving forward with beginning the groundwork for potential new regional gatherings that we pray will spring out of our discipleship pathways being rolled out throughout Apex.


Saturday Evening Gatherings

As such, the last Saturday evening service will be November 18th. Coupled with our Mission and Vision, Apex has seen some attrition in attendance. While this attrition has stabilized, we’re now looking forward to growing into our enhanced discipleship training which we pray grows into additional gatherings.  



We are also, while refining our Mission and Vision, facing a budget challenge and for 2018 are reducing our budget from $2.4M per year to $1.95M in 2018. 

With this reduction comes a reduction of funds across all areas of Apex which include Missions, Operations, Personnel, Capital, and Ministry budgets.  


Interim Preaching Team

As we are walking through this transition, we will have an Interim Preaching Team Lead at both our Kettering and Xenia locations. Scott Dixon will be presenting the gospel two weeks per month in Kettering and Ted Rastatter will be presenting the gospel two weeks per month in Xenia. Jason Wing will be filling in one weekend per month at each location and the open weeks will be filled with other elders and guest speakers as the Spirit leads.


Long Term Preaching Plan

We have begun the search for a permanent Preaching Team Lead for each location and will keep the Body posted on the progress for each of the teams representing Kettering and Xenia.  

We will also be communicating opportunities for the Body’s involvement where volunteers will be needed to fill some gaps presented by our budget challenges.


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