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Archive Datetime: 2012-09-01T08:22:27

What We Believe

White Papers

The overall purpose of these “white papers” is to present in a concise manner the position of the elders of Apex Community on a variety of theological and social issues. These positions will be the stance that will apply to those members of Apex Community that are in leadership positions. The issues that are addressed in white papers will be those that arise within our network of community churches. These are issues that our core doctrinal statement may not address explicitly but are still influential to Christ’s work throughout the Miami Valley. These positions are not exhaustive treatments of each particular issue but only serve as expansive introductions which should guide discussion of these topics. The links that follow each white paper are there for personal study to dive into each issue at a much deeper level.

Whenever these white papers (and suggested resources) do not suffice in answering your particular concern, you are always welcome to call the office to set up a time to meet with a member of the elder team.

At this time, our elder team has completed one published white paper. Others are currently being considered; and in the coming months and years, those others will be published below.

Related: our doctrine