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Entity: Refuge Hill Church Ohio


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YouTube Preview Image What We Do

A 3G Model Network

Apex believes that the ultimate purpose for which we exist is to glorify the Lord by carrying out the Great Commission: To go, make disciples, baptize them, and teach them to obey all that Jesus commanded. (Matt 28:19-20)

To hold ourselves accountable to this purpose, we have adopted an approach which can be summed up in three words, all beginning with the letter “G.” We like to call these the “3G’s.”

Gathering allows us to celebrate together, hear Biblical preaching, learn about opportunities to become involved, assemble resources, and challenges our house churches to keep the vision before us. The growing environment provides shared teaching, accountability, community, opportunity to deepen our discipleship, and encouragement to go as workers into the harvest. The goingportion of our model equips disciples and encourages them to serve those in need and take the good news to our communities and the ends of the earth.

We are a network of house churches engaged in all of these things. We see the 3G’s as actions… not places. So, for example, we value gathering in a big room on the weekends with music and preaching just as much as we value smaller gatherings at our local parks with hot dogs and conversation. And we know that going on mission is as intentional in the daily workplace as it is on a plane to Africa. Even our few program-based ministries, such as Apex Kids, put equal value in teaching gathering, growing, and going.

Next: Gathering with Apex.

Or: Meet our network leadership or read our leadership philosophy.