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Who We Are

Our Core Convictions

Our Purpose: To be and to make disciples of Jesus Christ.


Our Principles

1. Supremacy of Jesus Christ

**By “Jesus Christ” we mean:**The historical Jesus who was born of the virgin Mary and the Holy Spirit in Bethlehem, lived a sinless life, publicly taught the good news of the Kingdom of God, was crucified, buried and resurrected, and is alive today interceding for His followers. By “supremacy” we mean:

Jesus is Lord, and the teachings and lifestyle of Jesus as recorded in the Gospels, practiced in Acts and explained in the epistles are to be obeyed and imitated by all disciples.

2. The truth and authority of scripture

**By this we mean:**The Bible is the only inspired text and contains the fully reliable account of the story of God’s eternal plan of redemption and the account of the life and teachings of Jesus the Divine redeemer of the world. All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; so that the person of God may be adequately equipped for every good work.

3. The priesthood of all believers

**By this we mean:**God has given spiritual gifts to each member of the Body of Christ that are to be used to build up the one Church that Jesus is building so that the church can reflect the redemptive work of the Kingdom around the world. Jesus is the one mediator between God and humans, therefore there are no clergy/laity distinctions in the Body, and every disciple is called to be a minister in the work that God is doing in the world and through His church.

4. Commitment to the unreached

By this we mean:

God’s people are called to live and speak the good news of the Kingdom everywhere they go. Disciples are missionaries in their families, neighborhoods, communities, workplaces, church, culture, country and world. Mission is not a thing we do or a place we go, it is a way of being and living.

5. Commitment to an intentional method of discipleship

**By this we mean:**Because we are a holy priesthood called to make disciples, we should gather regularly as simple expressions of the church in the intimate settings of daily life (homes, 3rd places, etc) for the purposes of fellowship, communion, mutual edification, teaching, the exercise of spiritual gifts, and other practices (such as FEAST, BELLS, etc). This allows for a deliberate effort to evangelize the geographic context in which every disciple lives. We desire a regular commitment of same-gender accountability and the development of leaders within these small gatherings which allow them to multiply and further the work of the Kingdom.

6. Core Doctrine

Of course, our core doctrine is also included within our principles. Study our core doctrine.


Next: How we “do” church