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Entity: St Thomas Sheffield


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Archive Datetime: 2013-08-09T20:54:20



This site is designed to be a connection point for both relationship and resource across the Missional Communities movement. We have a wide range of resources that are designed to equip, inspire and challenge Missional Community leaders in establishing a culture of discipleship and mission in their local context. The principles we communicate through all of our resourcing represent the foundations that all of our Missional Communities have been built upon.

There are various resources available through this site, which you can buy or access for free. Use the tabs across the top of the page to view our different forms of resourcing for the Missional Communities movement.

Below, we have described some of the written materials we produce. Accessing this written content is a great way to explore the DNA of Missional Communities and start connecting with the movement.


The following books are available through our online 3dm UK bookstore.

Covenant and Kingdom, Mike Breen

Building a Discipling Culture, Mike Breen and Steve Cockram

Multiplying Missional Leaders, Mike Breen

Launching Missional Communities, Mike Breen and Alex Absalom

Children, Families and God, Lynn Alexander

Missional Communities Blog

The Missional Communities blog is our connection point for sharing stories and testimonies across a wide network of practitioners of Missional Communities.

The blog is thoughts, reflections, inspiration, challenge and experiences of Missional Community leaders from Churches across the UK. The blog digs into the practicalities of leading Missional Communities and shares stories to encourage & inspire you.

Click here to visit the Missional Communities blog

Leaders’ Training Curriculum

In response to growing demand from churches already on the journey of missional discipleship, we have produced a Leaders’ Training Curriculum. This curriculum equips churches to deliver high quality training to their current or emerging leaders who are looking to develop Missional Communities in their local context.

The curriculum contains everything required to deliver training to your own leaders, including presentation slides, speaker’s notes, and session handout materials for participants.

Click here to check out our Leader’s Training Curriculum.

Click here to visit

the Missional Communities Blog