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Entity: St Thomas Sheffield


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Archive Datetime: 2016-06-20T06:03:54

6Jun * *

Restore Job Opportunities

Restore Job Opportunities

Restore, with its home in Network Church Sheffield, exists to support the most marginalised adults in Sheffield, restoring hope and releasing potential in every individual, family and household that we meet across the city. We want to welcome people into the family of God, sharing our lives and encouraging faith and discipleship. There is a wide variety of opportunities for people to access support and belong to a community.

Over the past twelve years we have grown to offer 15 Christian Social Action projects supporting 250 people each week in themed programmes of Employability and Enterprise, food and community, housing and support, money and debt advice, lifeskills and mentoring. We have a fantastic but small staff team supported by 120 committed, skilled and enthusiastic volunteers. We work increasingly with partner church’s, business’s and agencies across the city.

Our experience is of seeing lives transformed and renewed and we know there is even greater potential for the future. The three job opportunities will be pivotal in shaping direction, providing leadership and support for the next steps.

If you are interested in applying for these positions there is further information about the projects attached. Please download the job description and the application form below.


  • Deadline for all applications is 24 June.
  • Interviews for the Leader post & Restore Lead Housing & Opertational Support will be 12 July
  • Interviews for the support post will be 21 July.
