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News from all bases

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25May *

Xiao’s Wheelchair

Xiao’s Wheelchair

  Here is a letter from Wendy Holmes about the wheelchair which we helped to buy as a church at…

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Sicily Mission Trip

Sicily Mission Trip

Having all worked hard to raise funds for the trip, we were Sicily-bound….. After being let in on the heart…

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14Apr * *

Good Friday Blog

Good Friday Blog

As we’ve looked at Good Friday as a household I have been amazed again at God’s goodness. That seems a…

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13Apr *

Maundy Thursday

Maundy Thursday

Matthew 26:20-25, 47-49 What must it have been like for the disciples at this point? What a week they were…

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12Apr *

Holy Week Devotions – Wednesday Blog

Holy Week Devotions – Wednesday Blog

Matthew 26:6-13 (Jesus anointed at Bethany) The bold and courageous devotion that a woman showed just a few days before…

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11Apr *

Holy Week Devotions – Tuesday Blog

Holy Week Devotions – Tuesday Blog

Mark 12: 1 -12. Has God offended you recently? It is easy to miss the truth that our Lord was…

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10Apr * *

Holy Week Devotions – Monday Blog

Holy Week Devotions – Monday Blog

Matthew 21:12 – 16 (Jesus cleanses the temple) Seriously startling and stunningly shocking events. One man, three groups of people.…

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30Mar *

Holy Week Prayer Journey

Holy Week Prayer Journey

During Holy Week, 10th-14th April, there will be a number of creative prayer stations set up in the Prayer Room,…

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30Mar * *

Easter Services

Easter Services

Philadelphia Services Ash Wednesday – 1st March at 7:30pm in the Conference Centre with Communion Palm Sunday – 9th April…

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23Mar *

Thanksgiving Thursday – 23rd March

Thanksgiving Thursday – 23rd March

One of the CAP clients, and job club attendees who the restore team have been working with found out this…

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16Mar *

Thanksgiving Thursday – 16th March

Thanksgiving Thursday – 16th March

Here is an awesome testimony from Zarah, one of our students, about stepping out in faith during frisbee training to…

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12Mar *

Passion for the Gospel

Passion for the Gospel

We’ve spent a few weeks now exploring the book of Romans, particularly focussing on the development of the early church…

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