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Entity: St Thomas Sheffield


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Archive Datetime: 2016-06-20T06:09:41

Forge Youth


The vision for the youth work here at Network Church Sheffield is to enable teenagers to have a real relationship with Jesus. We seek to disciple young people to grow into deeper relationships with God and with others. We also want to equip and release them to let Jesus impact their lives in the real world.

We believe the best way for this to happen is for them to belong to a thriving Jesus-focussed community that isn’t too big for them to get lost in. We look to get a balance in the youth work between time focused upwards to God, time focused inwards towards each other and time focused outwards towards our friends and the world that we live in. We know that teenagers can make a difference in the world by impacting the people they meet and affecting the world around them, leaving it changed by the love of God.

On Sunday during the service we have sessions for 11 – 14s at both St Thomas Philadelphia and King’s Centre. We also have separate sessions for 14 – 18s, multiple weekly small groups, regular trips and residentials throughout the year.

The youth work at Network Church Sheffield is part of Forge Youth. We have planted multiple communities all over Sheffield and now work with over 450 young people on a weekly basis. For more information about Forge Youth please visit