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Entity: St Thomas Sheffield


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Archive Datetime: 2018-05-02T11:02:22

Form (internship)

Form is an intense year of discipleship, rooted in a culture of leadership and mission. On Form you will learn what it means to be a disciple and to follow Jesus, as you become more like him. Jesus invites us into his story to live life alongside him. Form will teach you more of that story, as you develop your character within Jesus’ on-going story, and draw other people into the story as well.

Some form stories


When I first started Form I was surprised at how quickly God brought up stuff in me that needed changing. I found I was striving for God’s love and grace – this attitude is already changing as I begin to realise every good thing is a gift from God that I cannot earn.


Jesus has done a lot in my life since starting. I have been discovering more about my identity in him. The revelation of my oneness with him – that I no longer live but only he lives in me – is blowing my mind! I used to put my identity in other things but I have been learning to only fix my eyes on Jesus. He has done it all for me on the cross already so now I do not need to strive to earn his love. Form has helped to point me directly towards his heart. It’s great to journey deeper in his love with an amazing group of people.

Hannah Ketcher:

Form has provided an amazing platform to go deeper in my relationship with God, seeking the desires of His heart for my life. I am on a continuing journey to become more vulnerable with Him and see Him as my provider, author of my life and source of my identity. We’ve had incredible teaching and I’ve developed strong friendships in a short space of time, as we’re all on similar journeys, supporting each other to go further with God.

If you would like to explore form further check out the website here.

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