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Entity: St Thomas Sheffield


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Archive Datetime: 2016-06-20T06:09:46

Restore logo


Restore is the collective name given to the projects based out of St Thomas’ Philadelphia that are working with the vulnerable and the disadvantaged in our city.

Our Vision

We love Sheffield and are passionate about our city, the people who live here, our communities and the environment. At the heart of Restore is a desire to see hope restored and potential released in every person who comes into contact with us.

This means providing welcoming, holistic support and care to a range of people across the city that may be disadvantaged or living in poverty. We currently work with up to 200 vulnerable people each week across 15 projects that aim to provide a holistic approach that address people’s practical, social, emotional and spiritual needs.

We do this by working across 5 work streams: Housing & Support, Life Skills & Coaching, Food & community, Money & Debt Advice, Employability & Enterprise.

Over the past decade, Restore has been active within the voluntary sector providing basic services such as food, clothes, shelter, friendship and community for vulnerable people and families, including people with substance misuse problems, rough sleepers, ex-offenders, asylum seekers, street sex workers and people experiencing mental health problems. Part of this vision is to offer a holistic programme of care for vulnerable people, so that from the first point of contact, we can offer opportunities to support and improve people’s life chances and potential.

At these weekly projects we offer varying levels of housing, food, warmth, friendship, education, life skills, work skills, creative arts, prayer, worship and mentoring as appropriate