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What to expect at St Thomas Philadelphia

What to expect on a Sunday

We start at 10:15am

Where to park

We have 3 car parks as well as the on street parking around our site.

What should you expect?

As you enter the foyer you will be welcomed by one of our volunteer welcome team. If you have children with you then they will point you to the children’s team who will explain what is available for your child and help you to sign them in. For more information about the provision for children and youth please see here.

The first thing we do is to have coffee, tea and pastries. It’s a great time to be welcomed and to meet others. At 10.45 we have a time of celebration with sung worship for around 20 minutes that is led from the front. Then, after some family news we normally have a talk based on a theme or book we are looking at in the Bible that lasts for around 20-25 minutes. After this we have a time to respond, usually with some more sung worship and the opportunity for people to be prayed for. We love to pray for people and believe God heals and transforms people’s lives when we do this. After this time we have a final blessing and then we finish.

Our lanyard wearing welcome team will be available throughout the service to help and direct you. If you would like to receive more information about us and connect further, they will be happy to help.