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Entity: St Thomas Sheffield


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Archive Datetime: 2003-05-06T14:25:01

Helen Askew

Reception / Anne Maclaurin’s PA Helen grew up in leafy Surrey amongst the rich and famous where she developed a taste for vintage wine and caviar. Her current state of affairs means she has to sacrifice these modest requirements as the local Somerfield fails to accommodate her tastes. She manages to satisfy this desire however with generous amounts of office biscuits. Helen came to university in Sheffield to do a music degree in 1998 where she met Ben whom she then married in August 2001. They live in a happy state of general mess in a lovely house in Hunters Bar, where Ben constantly bombards Helen with new and weird musical styles whilst Helen fails almost continuously to engage with the washing up required to keep such an enterprise running efficiently. As well as keeping the photocopier running smoothly and making sure Anne is well organised, Helen is also on the Expression Cluster team, whose weekly pub gatherings are surely the way forward in student church. Direct email: