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News from Nick

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Posted by Andrew Buckley on 29th January 2014

I wrote to you last week from Philadelphia airport, today I’m writing this in Toronto Airport (it’s -16c so I won’t complain about Sheffield weather for a while). I have been fortunate to take 2 weeks for retreat, reflection and re-envisioning firstly with the 3DM team in South Carolina, then at ‘Catch the Fire’ church conference, at my own expense, celebrating 20 years since the extraordinary outbreak of the Holy Spirit in Toronto, which affected the world church.


As a 20 year old student I remember the early days of that new wave of God’s spirit breaking out at St Thomas’ Crookes in 1994-5. What many people now accept as familiar was at the time deeply unusual and challenging. What is now common within our own church culture - like sharing words of prophecy with others, laying on hands to bless or expect healing, lengthy intimate worship times and a tangible sense of the presence of God - I would trace all of these to that era when we embraced a new thing God was doing.


Most change feels odd at first, and sometimes we resist it, until we get used to it. I’ve committed as a church leader always to be on the look-out for God’s ’new thing’ and to try to embrace it. At the end of the day, this is at the heart of our Lifeshape ‘Learning Circle’ - always asking “what is God saying and doing?” and with repentance and faith asking “am I willing to join in?”

I intend to face the changes of 2014 this way. As we press on with acting as one church - NCS - for the sake of our vision ‘Calling our City Back to God’ I expect it will mean changes, sacrifices, and being willing to be generous to our other bases and to Sheffield’s last, least and lost. But I also know that ‘God gives grace to the humble’ (James 4:6) and that the prize could be the revival and transformation of Sheffield.


I was so encouraged in Toronto to see how intentionally they prioritise the ‘outwards’ focus of their encounters with God (the church in the city has planted 8+ ‘bases’ much like our own, yet remain one-church). Yet, at the root of all their fruitfulness and the worldwide revolution which grew from 1994 onwards, is a determination to keep the main thing the main thing. That is encountering and recieving the love of God. I’ve always been inspired by their own vision statement “To know God’s love and to give it away”.

Jesus said ’love the Lord your God with all of your heart, soul, mind & strength’ (Luke 10:27).

Its the same in January 2014 - we are hearing His call to return to the basics - for us all to prioritise prayer and His presence. And I see that God is stirring something - the last few Sunday services have been clear evidence of that! ClickHERE for last Sunday’s.  Next Sunday night I’ll share a bit more of my experiences with the Evening Gathering.


As we head out of January into February, will you join in and prioritise His presence above all else?


Finally, I hope you’ll share with me as I’m ordained a Baptist Minister this Sunday morning, following 5 years of training and preparation!


Many blessings


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Pray for the interns this term, that they will continue to thrive. Give thanks for all that God is doing. #ncsprayer

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