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Entity: St Thomas Sheffield


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Archive Datetime: 2003-09-05T18:31:21

Diamond Cluster     Vision Diamonds are made from plants which have died and decomposed into compost, before being subjected to immense heat and pressure, which turns the dead plant material into peat, then coal and finally diamonds. As a cluster we see ourselves as being transformed by the heat and power of God’s love into something beautiful, which has the potential, once it has been expertly cut, to magnify His light and reflect it into the dark places of our world. Every member of our cluster is seen as having a significant part to play in the work of God’s Kingdom, wherever each of us might be in the process of being transformed into diamonds. We are committed to reaching out to our friends and neighbours who do not yet know the heat and power of God’s love in their lives, and to showing them the way to Hos love. Our vision is to “be church” during the week, for people who are looking for Christian teaching and fellowship and the opportunity to meet with God, and who, for various reasons, do not come to church on Sunday morning. Content We are a daytime cluster, catering especially for people who find it difficult to get out in the evening, and our membership is currently all female. We have four small groups which have grown from Daytime Alpha courses we have run over the past four years. The small groups meet in people’s homes each week on Thursday mornings, for fellowship, teaching and prayer. Once a month we meet as a cluster at St Thomas’ church for a simple service which is sometimes followed by lunch. This is intended to be a welcoming and unthreatening introduction toc Christian worship and teaching for our nchurched friends and neighbours, as well as being a time for us all to get together as a larger group. We provide a creche for our cluster meetings and for three of the small groups, to cater for all the small children who come with their mothers. Values We are an ecumenical group and a number of us are committed members of local Catholic churches. Our life as a cluster reflects the values which underpin the living out of our Christian faiht, regardless of denomination.* Our common love for Jesus, our Saviour * Our common committment to be His disciples, actively applying God’s Word in our lives * Our common call to be His Body on earth, supporting one another and reaching out to those who do not know Him. * Our common dependence on His Holy Spirit to guide us, empower us, and make us whole. For God, who said “Let light shine out of darkness”, made His light shine in our hearts, to give us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ. But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us. 2 Corinthians 4 v 6-7 Contact If you are interested in learning more about Daytime Diamonds please contact the cluster leader: Davina Simmonds-Buckley - 268 1105

For details of other clusters, see the cluster index page.

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