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Entity: St Thomas Sheffield


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Archive Datetime: 2002-07-22T17:15:18

Interchange Cluster   See also the Interchange Website. Vision Our vision is to be a global family and spiritual home for internationals studying and working in Sheffield, and those looking to share fellowship with and reach out to those far from home. Over the past four years we have represented every continent (except Antarctica!) and over 30 different countries. Through this ministry we have exciting opportunities to share the Gospel with those whose home country is closed to Christianity. Values * to train, equip and support visiting internationals so that they can reach their friends whilst in Sheffield and when they return home. * to celebrate the diversity of all of the nations we represent in our worship, prayer and fellowship, through cultural exchange and, of course, food! ‘Praise the Lord, all you nations; extol him all you peoples. For great is his love towards us and the faithfulness of the Lord endures forever. Praise the Lord.’ (Psalm 117) Contact Alan and Helen Ward, 0114 234 1150 Philip Starke, 0114 268 0032

Where we meet: see the locations page.

For details of other clusters, see the cluster index page.

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