Note: This is an archived version of the page from related to St Thomas Sheffield.

Source Details

Entity: St Thomas Sheffield


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Archive Datetime: 2003-05-01T05:02:45

Life Cluster     Vision A bunch of people living in and committed to the east side of the city, just up from Parkhill, who are about:* living life for God * doing life with each other * bringing life to our friends and neighbourhood What we do We meet as home groups on Tuesday evenings (Contact Joy & Clynt on 268 0284 for details) On Sunday mornings we look to do ‘exposed community’ worshipping God and getting to know each other, doing UP, IN and OUT. We are excited about our community and want to see God at work in all kinds of amazing ways. Contact Leaders - Joy & Clynt French - 0114 268 0284 Welcome - Susie Hewson (not pictured) - 0114 276 1042

Where we meet: see the locations page. For details of other clusters, see the cluster index page. [[Front Page]](/web/20030501050245/ • [[Church Info]](/web/20030501050245/ • [[Ministries]](/web/20030501050245/ • [[Clusters]](/web/20030501050245/ • [[Children]](/web/20030501050245/ • [[Youth & Students]](/web/20030501050245/ • [[What’s On]](/web/20030501050245/ • [[Getting Involved]](/web/20030501050245/