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Source Details

Entity: St Thomas Sheffield


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Archive Datetime: 2003-05-01T05:10:40

MCB: Mission Cluster Broomhall   Vision Our vision is to see established, local led, reproducing Christian communities in every people group in an inner city community (in part Broomhall). Values Our values are:* doing community deeply and mission aggressively! * discovering culturally relevant expressions of gathering/church * every Christian is a messenger with a message * sharing in the common values and language of St Thomas’ church Priorities Our priorities are training and equipping of leaders and teams to pioneer these new communities. Plan Our plan is to target areas of Broomhall or people groups and teach them how to follow Jesus and start “simple” church in the home, so they become transformers of their communities… and to have lots of fun doing it! Teams Currently we are identified as 5-6 teams working in:* Areas: + Exeter Drive / H? flats + “middle” Broomhall + Broomspring area * people-focussed groups: + Good News cafe + F.F.F. Contact Martin Garner - phone 267 1090 or email

Where we meet: see the locations page.

For details of other clusters, see the cluster index page.

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