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Entity: St Thomas Sheffield


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Archive Datetime: 2002-07-25T14:49:08

Zippy Cluster   Zippy is no longer meeting as a cluster - its members are currently in the process of seeking new direction. Vision Zippy cluster is a community of young adults with a vision to reach a generation of friends at work, rest and play. We want to see a community grow up full of mature effective disciples where everyone finds a place they can call home and gets released to do the stuff they’re made for. We want to be relevant church exploring how we can be church out there as well as when we’re together. What we do We’re based around 6 small groups, meeting in people’s homes, our main place of spiritual belonging. We meet as cluster once a month on the last Tuesday of the month starting at 7pm with a meal. Chilled out Sunday Brunches (on 2nd Sundays) are at 11am, come and go as you please, read the paper, go for a walk, do what you fancy and bring your mates! Zippy Seedbeds are places where we grow relationships especially with those who don’t know Jesus. Zippy’s community life in action - they’re cool, welcoming, fun, and open to absolutely everyone. These include 2 football teams, climbing, netball and an allotment! Contact Dave & Sarah Ducker 0114 266 4707 Mags & Phil Kelly 0114 266 4621

Where we meet: see the locations page. For details of other clusters, see the cluster index page. [[Front Page]](/web/20020725144908/ • [[Church Info]](/web/20020725144908/ • [[Ministries]](/web/20020725144908/ • [[Clusters]](/web/20020725144908/ • [[Children]](/web/20020725144908/ • [[Youth & Students]](/web/20020725144908/ • [[What’s On]](/web/20020725144908/ • [[Getting Involved]](/web/20020725144908/