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Entity: St Thomas Sheffield


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Archive Datetime: 2003-05-13T00:29:42

| Crookes Celebration - a visit in pictures So… what’s it really like to come to a service at Crookes? We hope that these pictures will give you a feel of what to expect when you visit us… These pictures were taken on Sunday 16th December 2001 - the third Sunday in Advent. | Arriving at the church Arriving at the church. The main entrance is on Nairn Street. | | — | | Going in the main entranceSomeone will welcome you on the door. Once inside, the stewards hand out notice sheets and flyers for upcoming events. | | Before the serviceEveryone finds a seat. If you’re early, the notice sheet makes good reading! | | Worship teamThe service begins at 10.30 with the worship team leading everyone in singing praise to God. We sing traditional hymns (often accompanied by the organ) as well as modern worship songs. | | The congregationAdults and children all enjoy singing together. | | Audiovisual desksThe sound and lighting desk, and the computer that controls the song words projected onto the wall, are both situated at the front of the balcony. | | Anne and Mick by the altarAt the front of the church is the altar table beneath the image of the cross. The preacher and moderator sit at the front. Here, Rev. Mick Woodhead is on the left and Rev. Anne Maclaurin is on the right. | | The children gather roundThe children are usually invited to come to the front for a brief story, chat, prayer or song. Some of the younger ones bring grown-ups with them! Here, the children are praying for Kathleen who has just stepped down from leading the flower arrangement team. She’s the one behind Mick, clutching - yes, you guessed it - a big bunch of flowers! | | The children leaveThen, it’s off to groups - heading out of the Church Lounge, across the playground, and into the Church Centre, where the group leaders are waiting to begin the real fun! | | Mick talkingFor the adults, the service continues with a song and a time of prayer, followed by the reading and a talk. Sometimes the sermon is accompanied by notes projected onto the wall, to help everyone follow the most important points. | | Sharing the peaceAt some point during the service, everyone is invited to “share the peace” - traditionally a handshake accompanied by words such as “The peace of the Lord be with you”. At St Thomas’ the noise level rises and rises as friends spot one another, call greetings, wave to the balcony, and begin conversations which will be continued during coffee after the service. | | Communion teamOnce a month, the service includes Holy Communion. The Communion team, worship team and audiovisual operators receive communion first. | | Going forward for bread and wineThen the band plays and sings while everyone else lines up to receive bread and wine at one of the three stations at the front of the church. Non-alcoholic communion wine is always available on request from the station at the far left of the worship area. | | The congregation singingThe final hymn or song. | | Mick giving the blessing The service concludes with a blessing. Afterwards, anyone who would like prayer in response to the sermon or for any other need, is invited to the front of the church where a member of staff or trained Ministry Team member will pray. | | Serving coffeeCoffee, tea and squash are on offer in the Church Lounge after the service. | | Coffee and a chatAnd a chat with friends old and new allows the coffee time to cool! | | The information deskFinally, as you leave, the Information Desk is the place to order and collect tapes, pick up leaflets and course booking forms, and ask any questions that you may have. | | Thanks for visiting St Thomas’ Church at Crookes. If you have any questions or comments, please contact us! | | | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | — |

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