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When David is living it rough in the Wilderness of Judah, he wrote the following words:

“O God, you are my God, I earnestly search for you

My soul thirsts for you

My whole body longs for you in this parched and weary land

Where there is no water”

Psalm 63 vs1/2 (New Living Translation)

David had been promised so much - yet at that time was getting so little.

He had been anointed to be King when he was just a young man, he’d got rid of Goliath and became a national hero - but now he was running to save his life from the hands of Saul.

Where was the promise now?

Where were the victories, how did he go from national hero to public enemy number one?

And where was God in all of this?

Maybe we have a different story - but share the sentiments.

Things start well and go wrong, high hopes turn into huge disappointments and we can feel incredibly alone.

In the midst of the desert its easy and totally understandable to simply give up.

But David looks to another option - He searches for God in the desert.

The word to search or seek in the Bible - means to search to the point of desparation.

David doesn’t wait for God to find him - he keeps searching, keeps looking for God in the situation,

for who God is - not just what he’ll do

1. Is it time to get real?

To tell God aaaaaaaa"Life’s a mess and I’d like to know where you are…"

aaaaaaaaaaaaa"I can’t seem to find you and I’m scared you’re not there.."

aaaaaaaaaaaa"I’m tired, lonely, angry and hurting and frankly had enough.."

Maybe its time to tell God about your wilderness

“Your unfailing love is better to me than life itself; how I praise you!

I will honour you as long as I live lifting up my hands to you in prayer” vs3/4

Now either the heat has got to David and he’s totally lost the plot - or he’s tapped into something incredible.

In the midst of confusion, frustration, disappointment and questions - he chooses to worship God.

He chooses to pray, he chooses to remind himself of God’s love even though it looks like God has gone on permanent vacation.

2. Is it time to choose God?

When you’ve hit rock bottom is it possible to worship, to pray?

Maybe you don’t feel it - but want to say - that’s where I want to be…

“I think of how much you have helped me;

I sing for joy in the shadow of your protecting wings

I follow close behind you;

your strong right hand holds me securely” vs7/8

David reminds himself of times when he has known God has been there - perhaps the battle with Goliath, who knows.

Whatever it is - he draws strength for mthe truth that the God who was there back then - surely is in this somewhere.

3. Is it time to remember?

Are there times in your life of which you can say God was faithful?

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaWhat has he done for you?

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaWho has he given you?

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaWhat can you thank him for?

Is it time to draw strength from the stories in the Bible real people with real lives who met a real God? Daniel, Joseph, Esther, Ruth, Moses?

Is it a time to remember the love of God displayed in Jesus on a cross and draw strength that

- the one who went to such lengths for you then won’t leave you now….

Does this speak to where we are at?

If you think maybe - then let’s take a page out of David’s book.

In the midst of the mess when it all feels desparate - search for God, search like mad. Don’t let go. Be real with your feelings about your situation. Pray it out, cry it out, shout it out, sing it out, walk it out - whatever releases you to communicate with God - let it out.

Turn up the music.

Let’s dump the flowery prayers that say the “right things” but mean nothing.

Let’s pour out the pain and be honest to the raw core.

Then dare to worship and dare to remember….

Let’s search God out in the wilderness.