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Archive Datetime: 2002-01-28T10:46:49

2nd Sunday…

Thousands gathered in one place to worship and glorify an awesome and intimate God. Not exactly deep and meaningful, up close and personal, but the full on “Party in the Park” experience of the Christian World. This is the idea of 2nd Sunday.

Every 2nd Sunday in a month (surprisingly!) a cry to gather together goes up for a day of being together, worshiping together and seeking God together. From meeting in cluster groups, through a series of seminars to an out and out worship experience at 6pm the day is designed to know Him and make Him known.

Started in March 2001, the vision is to get the very best the world can offer to speak into our lives. As it grows and we bring in the best, the hope is that it will be a day to gather from throughout the city to raise up a banner of praise and see the area transformed. To top up our praise tanks and raise the issues we can work out in a more intimate community.

Look out for the fliers as they come your way and let us know how you want the day to look to you, both in terms of Expression and in regard to seminars you want to hear.

Meet together, be together, learn together and worship together… 2nd Sunday