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St Thomas’ Church Philadelphia


a year of transformational discipleship at the heart of a mission movement

Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test & approve what God’s will is–his good, pleasing & perfect will.”  Romans 12.2


Form is committed to raising up and equipping a generation of young adults that are passionate disciples of Jesus in character and calling. We do this in an incredible environment of faith, God encounter and community.   Form isn’t for the fainted hearted. There is an intense schedule of teaching, serving, bible reading, apprenticeship, projects and reflection but the result is your life as a disciple is transformed. If you’re up for the challenge come and join us.   

Your time on form is made up of these components.   Teaching

The teaching on form is based on the 5 core values we hold as a church, faith, identity, community, discipleship & transformation. These are all held under the umbrella DNA of Covenant & Kingdom.   We recognise everyone learns differently so we aim to provide a variety of learning enviroments from lecture style delivery to more interactive seminar based approach and hands on learn as you go, there is something to connect with everyone.   Apprenticeship

As part of form you will spend an afternoon a week with a ministry department there’s loads to choose from, Kids, Youth, Worship, Vulnerable people & loads more. It’s a great oppotunity to develop skills and giftings in a particular area and be invested in by fantastic teams across the church.   Huddle

Huddle is a small group where you meet every week to talk about what you are learning and what God is doing in your life.    Mission

Throughout the year we will have a go at different ways of reaching people that don’t know Jesus. These range from serving the poor through acts of service, healing on the streets, prophetic evangelism and mission trips both locally and internationally.   Quotes from people who have done form


When I first started Form I was surprised at how quickly God brought up stuff in me that needed changing. I found I was striving for God’s love and grace - this attitude is already changing as I begin to realise every good thing is a gift from God that I cannot earn.


The teaching on Form today was about the Holy Spirit which was good timing because God has been showing me recently that the Holy Spirit is the part of the Trinity that I don’t yet have a deep relationship with. I am excited to spend time with the Holy Spirit and get to know his personality.


Jesus has done a lot in my life since starting Form. I have been discovering more about my identity in him. The revelation of my oneness with him - that I no longer live but only he lives in me - is blowing my mind! I used to put my identity in other things but I have been learning to only fix my eyes on Jesus. He has done it all for me on the cross already so now I do not need to strive to earn his love. Form has helped to point me directly towards his heart. It’s great to journey deeper in his love with an amazing group of people.

  Hannah Ketcher:

Form has provided an amazing platform to go deeper in my relationship with God, seeking the desires of His heart for my life. I am on a continuing journey to become more vulnerable with Him and see Him as my provider, author of my life and source of my identity. We’ve had incredible teaching and I’ve developed strong friendships in a short space of time, as we’re all on similar journeys, supporting each other to go further with God.

  More information & Pricing

Click here to visit the form website for more information and pricing     <a href=“" title=“Form or Form Access Query”>Fill out my Wufoo form!</a>

Contact Us

Philadelphia Campus, 6 Gilpin Street, Sheffield S6 3BL

+44(0)114 241 9560

St Thomas’ Church Philadelphia part of Network Church Sheffield - an operating name of The Philadelphia Network Limited,

a non profit-making company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales No. 6035697. Charity no 1134973.

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