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3DMovements - a vehicle to spread Breenism.

3DMovements (3DM) was founded as a church leadership and discipleship organization, initially under the direct influence of Mike Breen. Breen’s approach, or “Breenism”, emphasizes a rigid discipleship model where hierarchical leadership, strategic multiplication, and the creation of “missional communities” are central. While Breen himself has not been directly involved with 3DM for some years, the organization continues to advocate for principles that align closely with his original teachings.

Breenism, characterized by its top-down leadership style, strong emphasis on what breen innaccurately describes as “accountability”, and a replicable model of church growth (that has proved difficult to replicate outside of Sheffield), has become synonymous with the methodologies 3DM promotes. Despite Breen’s absence, 3DM’s materials and training programs remain deeply rooted in his legacy, perpetuating a culture that can often prioritize organizational expansion over individual spiritual care. As 3DM extends its influence across denominations, the echoes of Breenism persist, raising concerns about the long-term impact of such an approach on diverse faith communities.

3DM is also unashamed in its approach to the inevitable (though possibly not intended) ‘in and out’ crowds through its focus on identifying “persons of peace” and “attractional leaders” . This strategy prioritizes individuals deemed to have influence and attractiveness, labeling them as worthy of leadership support and attention at the explicitly defined exclusion of the wider congregation. Meanwhile, those who do not fit this mold may find themselves sidelined. This selective emphasis fosters an environment where only the “attractional” and strategically valuable are nurtured, reinforcing exclusivity and possibly spritual neglect of the rest.

3DM Update regarding Mike Breen’s sexual misconduct with a vulnerable person.

In their press release regarding Mike Breen’s extended sexual affair, the 3DM board stated that …

Names included on the 3DM update

Leader Name Included
Gina Mueller
Bob Rognlien
Paul Maconochie
Mike McCoy
Chris Norman
Julie Dirske
Pat Dirske
Greg Grunau

Key People