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Perhaps you have heard the term “Missional Communities”, “MCs”, or “Clusters” before and want to know what all the fuss is about. Or perhaps you have experienced something of what a Missional Community is and want a better understanding of how they work in order to decide how God is calling you develop a missional culture and a structure of Missional Communities within your church.

Wherever you are on the journey of discovery or involvement, we hope you find this website a helpful resource in connecting with the Missional Communities movement.

The principles behind Missional Communities are being taken up and used by churches in the UK, across Europe, the USA, South America, Africa and Australia. This isn’t just something for large churches; it is a model that is being used in churches of many different sizes. Our experience has shown that these are principles that can be used, adapted and developed by any church.

There are regional teams across Europe training leaders in the principles of Missional Communities. These teams are collectively known as 16NINE. You can find out more and connect with these teams directly by visiting

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