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meet the team


Paul Maconochie

Paul is the Senior Team Leader at Network Church Sheffield, a multi-site church operating with Missional Communites across the city. Paul is a Baptist minister and has been involved at the church since 1992. He is also a founding member of the Order of Mission, a multi-denominational religious order recognised by the Church of England.

Paul is married to Heloise and they have two daughters, Grace and Hannah.

Rich Robinson

Rich oversees Missional Communties and Leadership Development across Network Church Sheffield and has been on staff since 2003. He has been involved with Missional Communities for over 12 years – pioneering, planting and leading them. He has been responsible for the Missional Communities ministry for the last 5 years – in which time we have seen significant growth in the number of, and deepening discipleship in, missional communities.

Rich is passionate about seeing people released into their God-given potential and believes that missional communities are a great way to see this happen.

Rich is married to Anna and has three wonderful young children – Josiah, Esther and Samuel.

Rich Atkinson

Rich is part of the senior leadership team at St Thomas’ Church Philadelphia (part of Network Church Sheffield) and has been leading in ministry for 10 years. Together with his wife, Lizzie, Rich oversees the kids, youth, student and young adult ministry, developing Missional Communities to reach young people across the city. Rich also leads the Forge Network, which trains leaders across the country to see the missing generation of youth, students, young adults and kids reached and discipled to become the rebuilding generation of the church.

Ben and Helen Askew

Helen and Ben have been involved with leading Missional Communites for over 13 years, predominantly with young adults and young families.

Good discipleship is one of the things that gets them really excited, especially seeing people be released into everything God made them for and calls them to. They are currently working for Kairos Church in Harrogate where Ben is Pioneer Curate; they have previously worked for churches in Kent and Sheffield doing a variety of roles including overseeing and planting Missional Communities amongst youth and young adults and leading discipleship training programmes for all ages. They have 2 children, Callum and Bethan.

Gareth and Jenny Irvine

Gareth and Jenny Irvine planted a new missional community base called Saint Aidan’s in the north of the city of Coventry in July 2012. They took a small team of young adults with them, to live as an incarnational community focussed around prayer and mission. They’re currently involved in Kidz Klub which works with children from challenging housing estates, and visit about 50 families each week on the estate where they live. They have been involved in leading, planting and training leaders of missional communities through Westwood Church in Coventry since 2006, having been on staff there since 2004. They are passionate about regenerating the whole church for mission through investing in leaders and discipleship. They have one recently born daughter Jessica who is full of energy and joy!

David and Jenny Rosser

David and Jenny have been involved in Christian ministry for over 40 years. They have spent most of their working life involved in Christian publishing and have been involved in the development and implementation of missional communities for the last 10 years. They have coached and trained missional community leaders, been part of teams running learning communities and helped develop resources for missional community leaders.