Note: This is an archived version of the page from related to 3dmovements.

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Entity: 3dmovements


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Archive Datetime: 2013-08-09T22:05:50



This website is intended to give an initial introduction and overview to missional communities. We have seen missional communities have a major impact on our church and our city. This is an experience that has now been shared in other churches throughout the UK, Europe and globally.

Missional communities are a great vehicle to deepen discipleship, become missional, raise participation and impact your city. On the website you can watch videos, look at material, discover how to connect and hear the stories of transformation!

However, for all this, we have found it is most fruitful and effective to learn through relationship. For this reason, our desire is that you feel invited to find out more and connect with us so that we can support you through the process.

The Missional Communities network is powered and resourced by 3dm UK, which is part of the global 3DM movement. There are essentially 3 key ways to connect with 3dm UK and grow in relationship with the movement:




These create three distinct ways to connect, with increasing levels of engagement and hands-on help.

Why Missional Communities?