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“If you are serious about launching Missional Communities, you need to be serious about discipleship”.

This is our challenge to leaders who want to grow Missional Communities in their local context. Our experience has shown us that a discipling culture is the engine for long-term, sustainable mission. What we desire is a discipleship culture lived-out in a missional context. Discipleship is about imitating Jesus; both becoming like Jesus and doing the things Jesus did.

We offer 3DM Europe Coaching Huddles as a way to invest in you tools, practices and skills for imitating the life and ministry of Jesus. These tools, which we call Lifeshapes, are simple, memorable and reproducible, allowing you to pass them on to generation after generation. Jesus used parables for an oral culture; we use simple shapes for an image-based culture.

what are coaching huddles?

Coaching Huddles are a vehicle for giving leaders the tools for missional discipleship. As leaders use these tools they begin to see the principles of missional discipleship transform their own life, ministry and the lives of those they lead. Coaching Huddles provide a context for discipleship in relation to covenant identity and kingdom responsibility. Our experience shows that as leaders engage with a life of missional discipleship for themselves, they can then begin to develop and grow disciples around them in their leadership context; this genuine experience of missional discipleship leads to disciples who make disciples, who make disciples.

Coaching Huddles are available for all leaders including senior leaders, ministry leaders, business leaders and Missional Community leaders.

There are 3 aims for the Coaching Huddles that we offer:

1. That you will see personal transformation in your own discipleship

2. That you will experience the benefit of huddles as a tool for training leaders, better equipping you to lead huddles with your own leaders

3. That you will receive strategic coaching to help you implement a discipling culture and Missional Communities in your context


If you’d like to arrange to join a Coaching Huddle, or simply find out more, please get in touch with us. We can arrange for one of our Coaches to call you in order to discuss which Coaching Huddle would be beneficial for you in your current context, and any other training opportunities that may be helpful for you and your church.

If you would like more information about Coaching, please click here

3DM Europe Coaching Huddles

If you would like more information about Coaching, please click here