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Entity: 3dmovements


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Archive Datetime: 2017-05-09T05:25:06


A colleague and I were doing a detached session on Shiregreen (one of the inner-city areas Forge works in).  We started a conversation with some young people we had meet some of them before but we were meeting most of the young people for the first time.  As we got into conversation some of the young people realised that they had heard about who we were from some of the other young people we knew in the area.  They had heard we were Christians and started asking questions about Christianity and our faith.  The conversation lead talking about miracles.  One of the young people had an injured leg and having heard about healing miracles asked us to pray for him.  We did and he was completely healed on the stop.  Saying to his friends that it was honestly healed, though he was almost in disbelief.  One of the young people watching then asked how he could become a Christian.  Though no one became a Christian that evening it lead to a very positive conversation about Jesus.

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