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← Merry Christmas from the Missional Communities team! Foundations for MCs: Communities of Good News →

Jan 10 2014

Did you miss the most popular posts of 2013?


Happy New Year from all of us on the Missional Communities blogging team.  We are excited to be going into 2014 and seeing what God has in store for all of us and each of you this year. We hope that this blog can be part of resourcing your MC journey this year.  Please do let us know if there are any topics in particular you’d like us to cover this year.

We are really looking forward to bringing you new posts and new writers from next week going on into January, but for today though, a recap on the past year on the MC blog.


Top 5 posts of 2013, just in case you missed them…

1. 8 Ways to Easily Be Missional – a link to a fab post from the Verge Network

2. Christmas, People of Peace, and What (not) to Do – Christmas is over but the principles can still apply in dark, cold January!

3. Foundations for MCs: Finding the Person of Peace – read about our basic strategy for mission and evangelism

4. How to…Start a Missional Community – a basic guide to getting going with your first MC – a must-read!

5. Real Life Discipleship: Continuous Breakthrough – how do you disciple people to see breakthrough in their lives?


It’s been a great year!  Thanks to all of you for reading, commenting and sharing.  Bring on 2014!



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