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Entity: 3DMovements


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Archive Datetime: 2012-09-15T05:19:43


Missional Communities – We work to help churches to engage on the journey of discipleship and mission using the vehicle of Missional Communities – this website is a connection point.

3dm UK – This is a ministry grown out of the local church in Sheffield – working with leaders & churches on the topics of discipleship, mission, leadership & church. The vision statement is to be a ministry that makes disciples, empowers leaders and catalyses movements. We run Learning Communities & workshops, have leadership & discipleship resources and hold regular coaching calls to support leaders.

3dm UK Blog – The blog offers leadership principles and reflections on building a discipleship culture, training missional leaders and launching Missional Communities.

The Order of Mission – We, as disciples and leaders, are part of a covenant community of Kingdom missional leaders called The Order of Mission.

Mike Breen - Global team leader of 3dm, now based in the States, writes a blog on leadership, discipleship and mission.

Image: Salvatore Vuono /