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The Passion Audit


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Category: resources (pdfs).

Product Description

The 3dm UK Passion Audit is a simple tool that has been developed from years of coaching local leaders in how to discover and grow missional vision. For many people, the concept of vision often feels somewhat nebulous and intangible, which means that they struggle to grow their confidence in the vision that God has given them.

The Passion Audit helps leaders to go on a simple journey of recognising what God has placed on their heart and clarifying the context in which this can be expressed. It is designed to provide a balanced framework for both hearing the Lord prophetically and seeing Him at work in our immediate surroundings. This allows leaders to tune into what God is speaking to them about internally, but also where they are stirred by what is going on around them in their external environment.

The Heartbeat

Session Outlines

Teaching Guides

Series Art


About the Art

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