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In our growing networks, we encounter many gifted and hard-working church leaders and ministers who are consistently struggling to answer some similar questions. They are in fact the same questions we started asking ourselves many years ago:

- What does the church of the future look like?

- How do we disciple people?

- How do we reach those who don’€™t know Jesus?

Whilst we certainly do not pretend to have all the answers, we have found that there has been incredible value in sharing our 20 years of learning with the wider church on how to start addressing these issues.

Our learning has been gained through stepping out and pioneering new methods of discipleship and mission that have resulted in a transformed church culture and growing local and national movements.

Part of our journey has been growing relationships with those who are wanting to go on the same adventure. In response to the desire for input and training, it is this learning that we have begun to share and process with church leaders and their teams in order to come alongside and encourage the wider church to step out and engage with the missional context that God has called them to.

Essentially, we put all of our energy into three distinct areas:

These create three distinct ways to interact with us, with increasing levels of engagement and hands-on help.

Rich Robinson – Director 3DM Europe