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Archive Datetime: 2022-07-28T10:45:43

It’s been a while…

July 28, 2022July 28, 2022

What’s happened to the Accessible Prophecy blog?

Well, as many of you are aware, I’ve got a new book coming out very soon. Which is so exciting!! But getting this book over the finishing line has been a pretty intense process and over the last year I just haven’t had the spare capacity to write blogs on top of the endless rounds of editing.

The blogs will be returning soon!

In the meantime, I’d love you to check out my new book Holy Disruption. It’s an in-depth, Jesus-shaped exploration of the prophetic, in particular looking at what it means to be a prophetic church. It’s a book that celebrates a holistic perspective of the prophetic and that seeks to draw together both charismatic and justice streams. And it challenges us all to welcome the holy disruption God longs to bring through the prophetic: transformation of hearts and neighbourhoods.

It’s out September 1st but you can read the Introduction here.

And check out our Facebook page to keep up-to-date with pre-order dates and things like that.

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Advent Reflection 5: O Come Let Us Adore Him