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Archive Datetime: 2019-03-28T01:12:32


Asking God QuestionsChildren ask the best questions. One that is famous in our family was asked by my then 3-year old daughter:Read more.The Road of the Holy SpiritIn February I was fortunate to have a weekend in the beautiful city of Lisbon (celebrating a big birthday!) andRead more.A Change of PerspectiveIn this month’s blog, our intern Lucy is sharing a testimony of how daily seeking God for vision and encouragementRead more.Embracing PruningI’d suspected it was happening, but confirmation came – clearly and unambiguously – through the words of a trusted friendRead more.The Other FriendThis month’s blog is written by Cassi Frank, who lives in Northern Kentucky and is part of the Accessible ProphecyRead more.From Listening to DoingWe’re delighted to have Brandon Kelly from the States as our guest blogger this month. Brandon is part of theRead more.ÅbenbaringThis month’s blog is written by Anders Lindegaard who is a graduate from The University of Copenhagen with a Masters ofRead more.Prophecy Night at WadsleyWe know that many of you appreciate hearing about practical ways to encourage and release people into the prophetic. ForRead more.Disqualified?Our blog this month is written by Lucy Fardon who is part of the Accessible Prophecy team here in Sheffield.Read more.A New Book on ProphecyCath’s new book My Sheep Have Ears is being published next week! You can order it from 3dm Publishing atRead more.« Previous 1 2 3 4 5 Next »


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