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Prophecy Events

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Upcoming Events

Biblical, practical, accessible

We are often asked to lead taster days and conferences at churches across Europe.

Previously we have led both weekend and day events in local churches, in which we send an experienced prophetic team to teach and lead participants in a day or two of prophecy. These are always designed for the specific local context, helping every participant to hear from God for themselves and for others, regardless of their previous experience. We do this by teaching biblical principles about prophecy, and then encouraging each other to try it out!

unnamedMembers of our team have spoken at national events such as New Wine, and are willing to speak and teach in a variety of different contexts, whether that be at a spiritual retreat, a conference or a ‘taster day.’

We have found that the churches we have worked with have seen much fruit from having a one-off Saturday event with us, which everyone in their church is invited to. Many people hear from God for the first time at these events, and we always see a greater level of confidence and clarity as people step out in the prophetic.

These events are ideal for churches who are interested in The Prophecy Course and Learning Communities, but would like a ‘taster’ first.

If you are interested in learning more about prophecy and hearing God’s voice, we would love to hear from you and see how we can serve you and your interests well.

Please e-mail for more information.