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International Leaders

World map website 1Accessible Prophecy has key leaders all over the world, namely: Denmark, The Netherlands, Australasia, and the US.

We are developing coaching in all of these regions, providing you with the opportunity to be part of a huddle that falls within your timezone and language. There are also opportunities to get involved with local workshops and Prophetic Learning Communities that the leaders are running in each area.

Here is a little information about each base, their ministries, and ways to get in contact with them.

Accessible Prophecy Netherlands

Ron website photoRon Becker is married to Hannie, and they have 3 children: Thomas (16), Paula (14) and David (10). He lives in Rotterdam – which is in the top 10 of the Lonely Planet list of cities to visit – where he leads a non-denominational church called Crossroads Rotterdam. Crossroads Rotterdam is a church in the journey of becoming a family of missional communities. He is also part of the Nederland Zoekt team, the Dutch representative of 3DM. They have started on this journey of listening to God and prophecy together 3 years ago, when the joined the Prophetic Learning Community in Sheffield. They are happy to share the things they have learned, and still are learning, about listening to God and prophecy embedded in a culture of discipleship and mission. This spring they will be hosting the first Prophetic Learning Community in The Netherlands, of course in Rotterdam.

Contact:,, Accessible Prophecy Denmark


Anders Lindegaard is a graduate from The University of Copenhagen with a Masters of Theology. He and his wife Trine lives in Copenhagen with their two children: Esther and Albert. He has been part of Byens Valgmenighed (The City Church) since it was planted in 2008 – a lutheran røst imagecharismatic church affiliated with the danish state church. In the church he has a part time position leading the prophetic ministry, and has recently launched ‘røst’ – the danish branch of Accessible Prophecy. ‘Røst’ is an old danish, but still common, word for ‘voice’.



Accessible Prophecy Australasia

Chris website photoChris Wanstall lives in Melbourne and worships at Encounter Baptist Church in Chadstone, Melbourne. As a church, they planted into this area 3 years ago focused on discipleship and missional engagement with their local community. She leads the prophetic ministry within the church and has seen some amazing transformation in people’s lives through hearing and responding to God’s voice. They are moving into equipping more people in the prophetic and growing in how prophetic ministry transforms mission. She loves watching people connect with God and grow in their ability to hear and respond to His voice. Prophecy has been important in transforming her own walk with Jesus, both in her personal faith journey but also in a growing understanding about how prophecy can radically change mission to her local area. She is excited to be part of a church which embraces hearing and responding to God’s voice but also looks to train and equip people in a safe environment to help other’s encounter God’s Kingdom wherever they are.


Accessible Prophecy US

Brandon KellyBrandon Kelly is a graduate of Bowling Green State University with a Bachelor’s in Music Education and of Winebrenner Theological Seminary with a Masters of Divinity. He is an Associate Certified Coach with the International Coaching Federation as well as a coach and consultant with 3D Movements in the United States. Currently, Brandon serves as the Senior Pastor of Good Shepherd United Methodist Church in northwest Ohio. Brandon is passionate about the rekindling of discipleship and mission as the foundation of the Church and, alongside of his wife Ellen and sons Jackson and Fintan, is dedicated to being a family of God on mission in their community.


*Cassi Frank Profile Picture*Cassi Frank is a graduate of Cincinnati Christian University with a Masters in Counselling.  She and her husband, George, serve a missional community in Northern Kentucky and are passionate about seeing the Holy Spirit transform the lives and experiences of communities, raising up leaders in the overlooked  places.  Learning and growing in recognizing God’s voice has been the single most impactful aspect of her spiritual growth.  As a result, she is excited about the opportunity to help churches and individuals in every context confidently recognize the voice of the Father.



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