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form emphasizes practical experience in living the life of a missional disciple alongside core teaching to give a biblical understanding for our actions. Trainees are encouraged to take risks, stretch the current boundaries of their faith and go to a deeper level in their understanding of how God feels about them and the world.

Your time on form is made up of these components.


The teaching on form is based on the 5 core values we hold as a church, faith, identity, community, discipleship & transformation. These are all held under the umbrella DNA of Covenant & Kingdom.

We regognise everyone learns differently so we aim to provide a variety of learning enviroments from lecture style delivery to more interactive seminar based approach, and hands on learn as you go, there is something to connect with everyone.



As part of form you will spend an afternoon a week with a minsitry department there’s loads to choose from, Kids,Youth,Worship, Vulnerable people & loads more. Its a great oppotunity to develop skills and giftings in a particular area and be invested in by fantastic teams across the church.



Huddle is a small group where you meet every week to talk about what you are learning and what God is doing in your life.