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Everything we do on Form is rooted in a culture of discipleship. Being a disciple is all about following Jesus and becoming more like him. To teach the disciples, Jesus invited them into his story as they experienced living life alongside him. They observed the way he treated people, they heard the words he said, they were a part of his story, they were transformed. We believe there are some core environments in which we best learn to be a disciple and Form is based around them. You can check them out below.


There is an excellent teaching program that provides a syllabus of core teaching, which is based around our core values as a church: faith, identity, community, discipleship and mission. We tackle the theology that underpins everything we believe as Christians and wrestle together with the challenge it brings. Teachingis delivered by members of the staff team across the church with input from guest speakers from time to time. Teaching is supported by reading and study projects that help to further engage you with the topic.  


One of the primary ways God forms our character is through service. As well as serving your apprenticeship team, each Form intern will have specific duties which they are given responsibility for carrying out each week. We also serve corporately as the Form group at church events and services.  


We all need a place to belong, be ourselves and process life with people who love and accept us. The friends and relationships you develop on Form will be key to this. You will be part of a huddle, where you get to process what God is doing in your life within a smaller group. You will also connect with one of our missional communities. Network Church Sheffield is a large church and everyone is encouraged to join a missional community where people are committed to a misional vision, to worship and friendship.  


Everyone on Form will serve as an intern within one area of mission in the church. You will work with an established leader serving and learning from them. We have thriving ministries across the church, including teams who work with students, youth, children and vulnerable people or in the areas of prayer and worship. There is plenty of opportunity to get involved and learn how God’s gifted you and how you can serve him and grow in the area you are called to.



As part of the year we will grow in our understanding of God’s mission to the world and how we partner with him in that. Over the course of the year we will look at what it means to engage with mission to our neighbours both here in the UK and abroad on an international missions trip.