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Jun 22, 2023

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Brighter is a four-week course for church members to grow in missional confidence.

 Through a mixture of video and hosted sessions, people will grow in 3 confidences – confidence to tell their faith story, to talk about Jesus, and to invite people to a Christian event.

A facilitator’s guide and participant course book are included with the course and can be downloaded. Dozens of churches have used this simple but powerful tool to raise the levels of gospel confidence.

The four 1.5hr sessions are structured as follows:
1)Prepare to Share

2)Habit 1: My story. I regularly share my story with those I meet.

3)Habit 2: God’s story. I know and share God’s story often.

4)Habit 3: Our story. I invite my friends and family to my local church events throughout the year.

Prayer is a central part of this journey and throughout the course participants are encouraged to pray for 5 friends with whom they can share the good news. We would encourage you to ask those who sign up to start thinking about and praying for 5 friends before the course starts.

Each week as well as teaching delivered by video there are also group discussions, activities and homework where everyone has the opportunity to use the tools they have learnt and encourage each other along the journey.

Download course notes

Download facilitator’s guide

Nic Harding, Kairos Connexion Director, Liverpool

About your tutor: Nic Harding

In 2015 Nic handed on the leadership of Frontline Church, Liverpool, which he and his wife Jenny planted in Liverpool in 1991. It grew to be a church of about 1000 adults and children and has had a significant influence and impact in the city of Liverpool in the UK, and beyond.

Prior to that Nic had his own general medical practice in Bristol where along with his wife he pioneered a number of congregations over the 18 years of his involvement in the local church. He was bi-vocational in ministry and general practice for 12 years before giving up medicine in 1993.

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Since handing on Frontline Church, Nic has taken on the role of Director for both Kairos Connexion (Kx) and Together for the Harvest (TFH). Kx is a national network of leaders and churches (of which Frontline is a part) that are working together ‘to see the nation transformed by the gospel through a movement of missionary disciples’. Nic is involved in networking, coaching leaders, and training churches ( It is the expression of 3DM in England and Wales. TFH is a network of churches committed to reaching every man, woman and child in the Liverpool city region in a 10 year period. Needless to say both these responsibilities keep him pretty busy! Nic’s saving grace is being married to Jenny for over 43 years. They have 4 daughters and 8 grandchildren. Nic is a card-carrying introvert who loves a good book, exploring new places, starting and developing new things, and surprisingly – meeting new people.


Course Content

Brighter week 1: Prepare to share

Brighter week 2: My Story

Brighter week 3 – God’s Story

Brighter Week 4: Habit 3: Our Story

Embedding Brighter practices as a Missional Lifestyle

All our courses

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Inside Out

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Raising Missionary Disciples

Why aren’t we making disciples?  Nic Harding and Jennie Taylor chat about the barriers many of us face.

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Launchpad huddle

A coaching group for growing missional leaders

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3 good news habits to help you shine

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